Masters Welcome – 2017 – W.Bro Robert L Ashford

It is with the greatest of pleasure I welcome you to the 14705246372581webpage of the University of Birmingham Lodge No. 5628 presiding in the Province of Warwickshire.
As the newly installed Master of the Lodge I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to oversee the business of the Lodge for the ensuring masonic year: which incidentally promises to be very active both masonically and socially.  Information of the various activities of the Lodge can be found on the dropdown bar on this webpage.  Other information relating to the Lodge is also available on this webpage including the history of the Lodge and the Universities Scheme, which parenthetically we, as a “traditional” university lodge, are very proud to be part of.  Furthermore, other links relating to this initiative can be found and opened on our webpage.

As a thriving Lodge we proud to have a widespread range of brethren in the Lodge.  Being part of the Universities Scheme we can draw on university undergraduates who might be interested in Freemasonry.  Indeed, the bulk of our membership are currently junior brethren, however, at the other end of the masonic spectrum we have a core of experienced brethren who have been members of the Lodge for many years.  This mixture adds to an eclectic mixture of individuals who all come from a wide range of professions but all enjoy their Freemasonry.  That said if you are interested in Freemasonry and want to explore this great institution more, please do contact the Lodge Secretary by email: this can be found on the webpage.  If on the other hand you are a Freemason and have either returned to the area, have had some connection with the university, or wish to rekindle your masonic interests, we would love to hear from you.

As a University Lodge we traditionally followed the academic year in terms of meetings.  Our first meeting of the year is traditionally in September.  There were historical reasons for this as it allowed academics in years gone past to install their master before the students and freshers returned for the new academic year.  The other meeting then dovetailed into the academic year and were scheduled for November, February and April.  We still run this pattern of meeting which are deemed to be regular meeting however having a very busy schedule this year I fully expect we will be delivering extra meetings to accommodate the busy year ahead.

In summary, welcome to the University of Birmingham Lodge No. 5628 webpage.  If you are interested in Freemasonry and you would like to discover more about the philosophy and the beauty of this fraternity, do contact the secretary to find out more.

WBro Robert L Ashford   PProGStB