Category Archives: Events

A Raising of new Master Mason

The day itself was one to remember; particularly by bro. Eric, who have been waiting patiently for this day to finally come. Though nervous, he went through this hallowed ceremony with dignity. Though a very personal ceremony, they were not alone, for they had the company of those brethren both lodge member and visitor alike watching over and guiding them, through a day that they will always remember.

Double initiation


Carrying on from our success of our last meeting, the university of Birmingham lodge was able to initiate a further two more brethren into our honourable craft. To further make this day even more special, we had with us some very special visitors to witness this wonderful event. We had with us member of Apollo lodge, Oxford University’s university lodge. This was very special for us as the University of Birmingham lodge is a daughter lodge of Apollo and so to have visitors from there after many years was a great treat for all those involved.

A triple initiation

Another successful triple initiation was carried out at Severn St Masonic Temple this Saturday 18th February. The members at the University of Birmingham lodge once again navigated the logistical mine field of a triple initiation to pull off yet another memorable ceremony, welcoming three more entered apprentices to the lodges growing ranks.

Open Day

On the 30th of October, the Severn street masonic hall will be having a open day. This Open day, will be in partnership with Athol Lodge and will give a change for Uni students and the wider public to see inside one of Birmingham oldest masonic halls.

The University of Birmingham lodge, will have members at attendance at this events. This will be a chance for the public to learn about Freemasonry and learn more about the University of Birmingham lodge’s rich history as the University’s masonic lodge.   

Severn street masonic Hall


On the 17th of February 2018, we had the honour of initiating bro. Erik Alexander Leon-Henneberg in the Univerity of Birmingham lodge no. 5628.

As always the master, wardens and officers of the lodge, conducted a flawless initiation and with the help of all involved pulled off a very memorable ceremony. Hopefully one that our newly made brother will, we hope look fondly on, as he proceeds down his masonic path.

Another Triple Initiation



Another successful triple initiation was carried out at Severn St Masonic Temple this Saturday 18th February. The members at the University of Birmingham lodge once again navigated the logistical mine field of a triple initiation to pull off yet another memorable ceremony, welcoming three more entered apprentices to the lodges growing ranks. We were also lucky enough to have W. Bro Peter Manning, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Warwickshire in attendance

Thank you to everyone that came to witness and assist in the ceremony and to all the brethren of University of Birmingham for helping to welcome our newly made brothers to the craft.

Installation 2016



Saturday 17th of September 2016 saw the installation of W. Bro Robert Ashford on his 3rd time in the chair since joining the University of Birmingham. The installation meeting saw an excellent attendance from both University of Birmingham Lodge members and visitors alike. We were even lucky enough to to have the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Richard L Barker to open the lodge and witness the days proceedings.


This meeting saw lodge member Bro. Patrick Galimpin ascend to the chair of Senior Warden, and Bro. Chidi Muorah ascend to the Junior Warden’s chair. The installation went smoothly thanks to the keen supervision of the senior members in attendance and the assistance of W.Bro Humberto Campos serving skillfully as Director of Ceremonies.

After the days proceedings were concluded, members and visitors retired for an enjoyable festive board in Severn Street’s historic dining room to welcome in the coming year.

Double Raising


On the 20th of February 2016, the University of Birmingham lodge no.5628 had the honour of raising two brothers to the sublime degree of master mason. Though we have had many raising in recent times, this one was quite special. This was because, this was the first raisings to be held by our lodge at our new home in Severn street masonic hall.

The day itself was one to remember, particularly by those brothers who have been waiting patiently for this day to finally come. Though nervous, they went through this hallowed ceremony with dignity. Though a very personal ceremony, they were not alone, for they had the company of those brethren both lodge member and visitor alike watching over and guiding them, through a day that they will always remember.

Remembrance Sunday Social – Clay Day

On the 8th of November 2015, the University of Birmingham Lodge no.5628, held its first social of the masonic year. But unlike previous lodge socials, we gave up the comfort  of the Lodge for the wet and muddy fields of a shooting range, and the  fine dining for a bacon sandwich and coffee.

Though the wind was at times strong and the ground sodden, this did not stop the members of the lodge and their guests from having a fun day out. As ever our Worshipful Master, W.bro Ron Parker was first into the thick of it. But far from just being an ordinary day of shooting, the site catered for a wide array of activates for the members and their guests to take part in. These included shooting, archery, falconry, quad biking etc. But as our time there was limited, we stuck to the shooting and archery for this time round, but hope to expand to other events next time.


At the shooting stalls, everybody waited eagerly for their chance to show off. At which point, our Worshipful Master decided a contest was in order. We all received our 6 tokens, for a total of 12 shots each. The person who shot the most clays at the end of the social would win a prize. The winner at the end of the day was bro. Adam Doveston, with 8 out of 12 clays. As a prize he won a bottle of red wine, presented to him by the Worshipful Master. But this was not the end of the contest for bro. Adam Doveston, he was then challenged by a member of staff to perform a trick shot. Which consisted of shooting a clay far down range, then once hit, to then shoot and hit one of the small pieces that came off it. To his own and everyone else’s surprise, he made the shots and won the challenge.Ron2

While the clay shooting was the main event, many members and guests, gave up the gun for a bow and tried their hands at archery. This proved to be as equally as popular as the shooting, to the point where a number of our guests now want to take up archery as a past-time. Overall the day was a great success. Filled with fun activates and lots of information, provided by a helpful instructors. The Lea Marston Venue is deeply committed to charitable events and able-bodied users of the facilities are left in no doubt that by partaking they are subsidising the facilities for those less fortunate than themselves.

But before the day came to an end, we all adjourned to the nearest bar, for a well-deserved drink and to reminisce on the day events and the possibility of returning one day.