A New Home And A New Worshipful Master

Severn Street Installation

The 19th of September 2015, was a great day for all of us at the University of Birmingham lodge no. 5628. As, not only did we have the great honour of installing W.Bro Ron Parker for the second time, as Worshipful Master of our lodge. We were able to do this wonderful and honourable ceremony in the beautiful and history drenched surroundings of the Severn Street Masonic Hall, which from that date, will be our new home.

The Installation was a smooth affair, which could only have been brought about by the keen eye and gentle guidance of our veteran lodge officers. But as some of these officers make way for younger members of the lodge, we can be assured that their guidance and knowledge will always be a guiding light in the lodge to both brethren and our new Worshipful Master.

Once the lodge was closed and all masonic work for that day had ceased, all brethren and visiting brothers retired to the elegant surroundings of the dining room, for a wonderful festive board. And there, under the gaze of all the past masters, whose emblazoned names line the walls of that dining room, we made a toast to our new Worshipful Master and to the new masonic year, which lies ahead.